Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Online safety with classifieds

When posting an ad on any form of classified as the advertiser or seller you have to provide at least one contact phone number, email, or address. By doing this you are potentially exposing yourself to spam emails or prank calls. It is highly recommended that this contact number or email is one that could easily be replaced or ditched in case this does happen. Not many advertisers include a landline, unless they are an established business with a phone line dedicated to the daily business inquiries. The best is to set up an email with a free provider separate to your personal email in order to deal with inquiries if you are selling something, this email can be easily replaced or ditched if people do decide to play any games. Remember that either advertising in newspaper classifieds can be easily as risky as online, so taking the appropriate precautions is the best way of preventing any problems.

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